- chipPCR::C126EG595qPCR Experiment for the Amplification of HPRT1 Using the Bio-Rad iQ5 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C126EG685qPCR Experiment for the Amplification of HPRT1 Using the Roche Light Cycler 1.5
- chipPCR::C127EGHPqPCR Experiment for the Amplification of MLC-2v Using the Roche Light Cycler 1.5
- chipPCR::C17Helicase Dependent Amplification of HPRT1 at Different Temperatures using the 'VideoScan' Platform 2.0
- chipPCR::C316.ampqPCR Experiment for the Amplification of adk Using the Bio-Rad iQ5 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C316.melt.hrMelting Curves (resolution: 0.2 degrees Celsius / step) for the Gene adk Using the Bio-Rad iQ5 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C316.melt.lrMelting Curves (resolution: 0.5 degrees Celsius / step) for the Gene adk Using the Bio-Rad iQ5 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C317.ampqPCR Experiment for the Amplification of adk Using the Bio-Rad CFX96 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C317.melt.hrMelting Curves (resolution: 0.1 degrees Celsius / step) for the Gene adk Using the Bio-Rad CFX96 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C317.melt.lrMelting Curves (resolution: 0.5 degrees Celsius / step) for the Gene adk Using the Bio-Rad CFX96 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C54qPCR Experiment for the amplification of MLC-2v using the 'VideoScan' heating/cooling-unit
- chipPCR::C60.ampqPCR Experiment for the Amplification of MLC-2v and Vimentin (as decadic dilutions) Using the Roche Light Cycler 1.5
- chipPCR::C60.meltMelt Curves MLC-2v and Vimentin for the qPCR Experiment C60.amp Using the Roche Light Cycler 1.5
- chipPCR::C67Helicase Dependent Amplification of HPRT1 with different input DNA quantities using the Bio-Rad iQ5 thermo cycler
- chipPCR::C81Helicase Dependent Amplification of pCNG1 using the 'VideoScan' Platform
- chipPCR::C85Helicase Dependent Amplification of Vimentin using the 'VideoScan' Platform
- chipPCR::CD74Quantitative PCR with a hydrolysis probe and DNA binding dye
- chipPCR::CD75Helicase Dependent Amplification in the 'VideoScan' 'HCU'
- chipPCR::Eff1000Highly Replicate Number Amplification Curves
- chipPCR::Eff625Highly Replicate Number Amplification Curves
- chipPCR::Eff750Highly Replicate Number Amplification Curves
- chipPCR::Eff875Highly Replicate Number Amplification Curves
- chipPCR::LAMPreal-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) by Tanner et al. (2012)
- chipPCR::RPARecombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) by Lutz et al.(2009)
- chipPCR::VIMCFX96_60Amplification Reaction Using the Bio-Rad CFX96
- chipPCR::VIMCFX96_69Amplification Reaction Using the Bio-Rad CFX96
- chipPCR::VIMCFX96_meltcurveMelting Curve Measured with the Bio-Rad CFX96
- chipPCR::VIMiQ5_595Amplification Reaction Using the Bio-Rad iQ5
- chipPCR::VIMiQ5_685Amplification Reaction Using the Bio-Rad iQ5
- chipPCR::VIMiQ5_meltMelting Curve Measured with the Bio-Rad iQ5
- chipPCR::capillaryPCRcapillary convective PCR
- MBmca::DMPBimodal melting curve experiment on the surface of microbeads.
- MBmca::DualHybSurface melting curve data from direct hybridization experiment of short oligonucleotide probes with bimodal melting curve pattern.
- MBmca::MultiMeltSurface melting curve data from direct hybridization experiment of short oligonucleotides.